I am uplifted. I’ve been transported to the most serene, goosebump-making place in Europe.

Julian Petrin’s latest delight, Les Folies is just glorious.

This is a sounscape that just oozes world class musicianship with outstanding composition.

The recurring theme kept my interest throughout, for several listens and I was particularly taken by the fact that each and every note of the recurring motif was played with varying tenacity depending on whether it was required to rise or fall the piece.
There’s a lot happening in this composition, but everything is understated and delicate. I fell in love when the strings came in fairly early on, but as the oh-so-subtle drums came in I found myself smiling and nodding at the speakers.

I found the reverb that was used on the snare to be thoroughly sublime This is the stuff of cinematic perfection. If Les Folies isn’t picked up to be used in a movie it will be a travesty!

There are lots of changes throughout the track, often unexpected, but never jarring. Many times I found myself saying “nice!!” to whoever may have been listening!
The addition of the birds singing and the children playing is a masterful touch that sets the scene and draws you in.

Julian Petrin is my new favourite instrumentalist. I’ll be watching for more from this world class German composer

I give this, without doubt, five ears out of five